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Accepting yourself this new year

I know I'm late on this band-wagon of "Happy New Years!" but here I am, serving you with some self-positivity and motivation... I think.

While the rest of us 90% will be making new years resolution of losing weight, being on time to work, getting better grades and finally hitting that bonus, the 10% of us will continue this year just doing their normal routine. Accepting themselves for just who they are and that no resolution is going to change them.

I'm not saying, don't make any resolution, I'm saying, just accept who you are. Not everyone was born to have that slim hour-glass figure or be really smart in all of their high-school subjects. Yes, we can make ourselves better at these things but sometimes it's impossible to get what you really want without some fault and errors. You can lose weight this new year but you may not have the figure of Kylie Jenner. You may improve your grades in Maths from a C to a B but you may not get that A* like every other smart person has.

Instead of comparing yourself to other people and setting up this false image of someone else, its time that this new year, you accept yourself. Accept yourself for the now you, the then you and the future you.

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